Rejecting a one-size-fits-all approach, we continuously adapt our curriculum and teaching methods to make sure our students are ready for tomorrow and ahead of the curve

MakerLab’s signature approach to advanced educational robotics, provides our students an in-depth cultivation of computational thinking, while re-establishing STEM’s original focus.
As the necessary step to becoming true engineers, our students obtain with our unique “Computational Robotics” curriculum a deep and broad understanding in all: structured robot programming in Python and C/C++, electronics design and 2D/3D design and manufacturing.
Ages | 12-16
Requirements | Educational Robotics
Frequency | 2 times a week
( 90 + 90 minutes )
Difficulty level
>> Online (LIVE) + On-site
Assessment Interview | Yes
MakerLab is proud to uniquely support aspiring scientists and engineers on their journey to real robotics research!
Our state-of-the-art student preparation for leading World Robotics Competitions, such as the FIRA RoboWorld Cup and RoboCup, will open new horizons to the unbelievable!
Ages | 14-18
Requirements | Computational Robotics, Algorithmic Problem Solving, Mathematics of Robotics
Frequency | 2 times a week
( 90 + 180 minutes )
Difficulty level
>> Online (LIVE) + On-site
Assessment Interview | Yes

In our “Visual Programming” course, children will learn to identify and use basic programming structures and solve problems through visual programming. Students will be able to create their own games, quizzes and animations, overcoming the barrier of understanding the language.
The lessons aim to develop children's computational thinking and programming, encourage problem solving and critical thinking.
Ages | 6-10
Requirements | None
Frequency | 1 time a week
( 60 minutes )
Difficulty level
>> Online (LIVE)
Assessment Interview | No
Learn Python and C programming the fun way!
"Creative coding" is a course for beginners and children with prior experience in visual programming.
Acquire the fundamental principles and concepts of programming, develop abstract and algorithmic thinking, while combining yourself with artistic expression in order to create aesthetically pleasing and interactive digital experiences, like animations, graphical user interface (GUI) design and computer games.
Ages | 10-16
Prerequisites | Basic computer programming experience
Frequency | 1 time per week
( 75 minutes )
Difficulty level
>> Online (LIVE)
Assessment Interview | Yes
Do you want to become fluent in writing code in C/C++ and be able to solve harder problems?
In the Introduction to Algorithmic Problem Solving course, you will gain the skills needed to tackle computational problem solving with the methodical approach that Computer Science offers.
Fundamental algorithms and basic data structures will be introduced and analyzed for how they solve practical problems in everyone’s lives.
Finally, you will be introduced to the exciting world of Competitive Programming in preparation for participation in the Enigma and PDP Computer Science Competitions.
Ages | 14-18
Requirements | Good understanding of Python and C programming, Mathematical Problem Solving
Frequency | 1 time a week
( 90 minutes )
Difficulty level
>> Online (LIVE)
Assessment Interview | Yes
MakerLab is proud to uniquely support aspiring or active athletes in Competitive Programming and are striving to maximize their potential!
A demanding course for teenagers with existing programming experience in C/C++ who are looking to expand their knowledge in algorithms and actively engage in Competitive Programming.
Participants need to already have experience from programming competitions like the en[i]gma Coding Championship or the Pan-Hellenic Informatics Competition (PDP) and to be actively pursuing a spot in their country’s National Team and win medals in Informatics Olympiads (IOI, BOI, JBOI, EJOI, EGOI).
Through various problem categories, they will learn advanced problem-solving techniques and data structures in a systematic way, which will enable the handling of seemingly difficult or even impossible challenges!
Ages | 14-18
Requirements | Fluency in C/C++, Previous Participation to Competitions, Concrete Mathematics
Frequency | 1 time a week
( 120 minutes )
Difficulty level
>> Online (LIVE)
Assessment Interview | Yes

Playful math equips children with foundational mathematical skills. It encourages them to tackle everyday challenges in a smart and creative way. By making math enjoyable, playful math helps students develop critical thinking skills that benefit them way beyond the classroom.
Ages | 7-10
Requirements | None
Frequency | 1 time a week
( 60 minutes )
Difficulty level
>> On-site
Assessment Interview | No
Mathematical problem-solving pushes children's minds to think critically and creatively, developing new strategies to solve problems that require deeper thinking.
These challenges build their confidence in their math abilities, keep their love of math strong and motivates them to continue learning.
Ages | 10-14
Prerequisites | Love for Maths
Frequency | 1 time a week
( 60 minutes )
Difficulty level
>> On-site
Assessment Interview | Yes
In Concrete Mathematics’, students are taught the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. Lectures in Recurrent Problems, Sums, Integer Functions, Number Theory, Discrete Probability Theory and Asymptotics, a unique blend of Continuous and Discrete math, constitute the basis of future success in Competitive Programming and Robotics!
Ages | 14-18
Requirements | Love for Mathematics and Computer Science
Frequency | 1 time a week
( 60 minutes )
Difficulty level
>> Online (LIVE)
Assessment Interview | Yes